Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Exhale slowly. It doesn’t matter what is happening these days. Relax. There is no right or wrong in this space. It’s okay even if you don’t know what you’re doing or think you have messed up. Take your time to calm your mind. Thoughts may come, and you may feel troubled. Tell yourself it’s fine. Try not to hang on to them and let them pass. This is where you can feel safe – simply be who you are.
Now, tell me, what do you see?
Glowing bright light. My vision is filled. My body is wrapped. All my worries are being melted away. It is powerful but peaceful. The waves are singing. The breezes are dancing. My whole being is at ease. Don’t have to do anything else. I can rest in the source. THIS is where I belong.
Barcelona is a paradise. The sun is out all the time. Everyone has a smile on his or her face. I was immediately refreshed by the positive energy of this city. Yet as the holiday mood started to fade down after a few days, I was stripped naked once again. Various conflicting emotions started to arouse. The dark side was creeping out. Are you scared to find out the very thing you despise lies within you? What do you do now? Beat up yourself? Say all kinds of nasty words as a punishment to your heart?
Or none of the above. Being nude on a nearby beach, I did meditation and tai chi to reconcile with my soul. The radiating light reassures me that growth is on the way. This strength inside me will liberate me to do what I come here for – my first solo exhibition. Images are forming. Passion is burning. Energy is flowing. I am more than ready to work, but I shall be patient. The ideas are sinking in while the materials are being collected on the street. No rush. My art will blossom in time.
我的夏天,終於來了! 巴賽隆納總是彌漫著自由的氣息,只是到了一星期,我已經有被解放的感覺,於懶洋洋的沙灘上,我脫下最後的防線,赤裸裸地以冥想及太極去面對自己的陰暗面,今次不再是唾罵和厭惡,而是在强大温暖的日光下,與內心調和,那度不住增長的亮光提醒我:「成長指日可待,蛻變近在咫尺。」
創作靈感源源不絕地湧現,能量與熱情水火交融,但我要有耐性,讓想法沉澱 ,讓物料出現,經過倫敦的心靈洗禮後,心中的那團火正在熾熱地燃燒,期待我的藝術在巴賽隆納開花之日。
Only 5 minutes walk to Barcelonata Beach! Wohoo, I have already gone swimming 5 times since I got here. |
On the left, Estudio Nómada, where I will be creating my art. On the right, one street in the neighborhood.
For more info: |
Interior of the studio. |
An open second floor! |
Wander into Mercat de La Boqueria and enjoyed grandma making us a sandwich. |
Conney was too shy to show her face while I have become so used to the camera, haha! |
We pass by museu d'història de catalunya & port as we walk to the studio everyday. |
In awe of the magnificent sky view from the port. |
A quiet walk by the beach at night is a soothing experience. |
First touristy thing I did - Font Màgica. To be honest, the waves of people holding up their cameras was as stunning as the fountain. Look at how my photo-taking device turned the fountain into an explosion. |
Now this looks more like it! At some point, the movement of the water almost felt like northern light. |
After standing for so long, we decided to sit on grass and watch how the aliens connect with people on earth. |
A day out on the Montgat Nord Beach with friends from studio. |
Time to eat under the shade. |
Later we took a little "hike" and got on top of the little hill. |
Away from the crowd on the beach, this place was so peaceful. Perfect timing for meditation! |
How can I miss out on couch surfing event in Barcelona? A language exchange picnic at Parc de la Ciutadella. |
I thought wandering in London was fun. It's even more enjoyable to aimlessly walk around Barcelona with a note book.
Feel free to join granny people-watching on public chairs when you are tired. |
Celebrating mid-Autumn Festival with friends on the beach! |
Without bamboo sticks to hold the lanterns, we could be creative to build a simple structure using pizza box. Under the same moon as friends in other part of the world, we said "salud"! |
Trash picking is a common activity in Barcelona. Various kinds of people walk around to find treasure in their eyes. |
The shopping cart is obviously too small for everything we want. Lucky we had 8 pairs of strong arms, ha... |
Our kill of the night and delightful tapas to reward such hard work! |
Street view from my home. It's funny to hear people shouting, laughing, and throwing things in their apartment. |
而且有曰,在很多兩極的概念和情感中間,找到一個可以讓自己躺下來的小沙灘,平靜、輕省、自在••• ••• :)
ReplyDelete慶幸我們有這個大沙灘,近在咫尺,這應該會是回憶中的一個重要部分~ ^^ 直覺將我們帶到來這個時空,是難得的一次經歷~ 難得相聚,難得相處,難得有大太陽有好氣氛有藝術天天作伴,難得兩個夢想家一起見證夢的實在,而且一點不脆弱••• •••還有8星期,美好的,儲吧儲吧儲吧!
ReplyDelete如果小蟲又再出來作惡,勇敢一點吧,向自己真正喜歡的,想要的,勇往直前!: )