“I create, therefore I am.”
Many friends asked why I make art. Yes, I have a message to say, and yes, I want to inspire and stir up the passion in the world. Yet most importantly, it makes me come alive!
Calling forth all the enthusiasm, perseverance, and determination within me, I get in touch with my soul when I create. As I wrestle with my second installation in Barcelona, I have the feeling this is what I’m meant to do for life. Art is who I am and what I’m made for. The creative process is still a mystery and continues to give me insights about existence. From initial concept, development to final outcome, the energy flows in and out between the artwork and me. It gives me a platform to closely interact with my sub-conscious.
Thought I was going to focus on teaching and painting this time. How do I end up constructing another huge piece again? Well, it’s as simple as saying yes to the organizer of a squat when he asked if I would like to build something for an exhibition in mid-February. What did I say about being open to the flow of life again? I’m just speechless.
On the first day of 2012, I made one of the biggest decisions of my life. It required all my courage, wisdom and now is also training my patience as I’m waiting for the response for a long time already. Cannot reveal too much at this stage, but my guts tell me it will be a major turning point for my whole being.
Less than two weeks before I take off to London. While working hard on my second baby here, I shall continue to enjoy life on the boat, run by the beach, dance in contact improvisation, and causal hang out with friends. Moreover, I’m discussing a possible collaboration with the art studio I’m teaching at the moment. Will share more once confirmed!
在船上生活確實是一件有趣的事,麻雀雖小,五臟俱存,一早起床,打開上蓋,便是廣闊蔚藍的天空,而且可以在日光照耀下煮早餐,感受太陽的溫度,偶然又會體驗狂奔公厠差點崩潰的快感和沖涼時熱水隨時加强或消失的刺激,家的概念在不知不覺間已進化,無須再局限於同一地點,現在我的廚房睡房在船上,浴室於會所,客廳、衣帽間與工作室混為一體,在別人眼中看似不舒適的居住環境,我卻視為難能可貴的經歷, 在一艘巴賽隆納的帆船生活六個多星期,實在是個可一不可再的機會,我正好好珍惜。
最後不到兩星期的衝刺,我在努力創作的同時,仍不忘抽空到海邊跑步、參加即興舞蹈、與友人相聚⋯ 除此之外,現正與任教的這所藝術教室商討一個合作計劃,待一切成事後,再和大家分享!
Presenting my lovely bedroom! Wonder what would happen if I really sleep with my legs up like this. |
Peeping out from my little hole. |
Making my most favorite easy meal - tomato with eggs in the compact cooking station. |
My home is moving! |
The perfect day to sail. BTW, we were in a race, which we were the only one in the medium size category. How could we not win? |
I'm probably the lousiest crew on the boat. Sorry, my HK sailing instructors, I have forgotten everything! |
How the boat looks when the wings are down. |
Beautiful sunset on my way home. |
Another splendid sunset by the beach! |
Drap Art exhibition with upcycle works - I especially like the shape made out of tapes on the right. |
To be honest, this is not a very inspiring show. Most pieces were mainly cute design instead of stretching the materials to spark up challenging concepts. |
Thanks to Skype, the hearts of Hong Kong and Barcelona were connected at that very moment. |
Spain has an intriguing tradition of eating one grape per bell sound right pass midnight in New Year's eve. By the end of the 12th count, our mouths would be stuffed. We were all paying close attention to the count down program on the computer. |
I am never a party boy, but when there is special occasion, I go wild! |
When was the last time I stayed up all night partying? Well, at least I got to see the first sunrise of 2012. |
Then, walking the same usual path back to studio. |
The famous Montserrat in Barcelona! |
The black Virgin is right in the middle of the basilica. Can you spot the black shape? |
I have to say it was a fantastic couch surfing trip. |
What a blissful group! |
A lot of the trails actually reminded me of Hong Kong. Gosh, how I miss hiking & nature! |
Is that hello kitty and smurfs? NO WAY! What the?!
In fact, they are the modern version of the pooping saint fertilizing the land. |
Drying laundry at friend's terrance, a great place to chill and have morning coffee. |
Studio potluck dinner - I made stir-fired aubergines and green-peppers. |
Wohoo! This time I got to teach instead of model for a figurative drawing session. |
The party/mural gallery of the squat. The floor is very sticky, haha... |
What I love about working in a squat is that I can use whatever junks they already have and transform them into a work of art! |
Waiting for paint to dry on plastic sheets. |
Oh yeah, the artist in action! |
The skeleton is done. What do you think? |
The form is growing. Um... let's see what it's going to become in one week. |